Soft, Softer, Softest . . . let Electropedic Beds and Latexpedic Mattresses make you a Soft Mattress. Some people LOVE a Soft Mattress. We can make our7" Soft Mattress with 24ILD inside; We can make our High Profile Latex Mattress with 6" of Softness Inside, surrounded with 1" of Softer Latex on both sides; and we can make THE ULTIMATE Soft Mattress with 6" of Soft Latex with 2" of Softer Latex on Both Sides. Select a Soft Mattress for your personal use, and take a health break.
NOW! for the first really new advance in Soft Mattresses . . . the incredible Latexpillo Mattress. Sleep easier in unbelievable comfort. The time you can enjoy a Soft Mattress will have a lot to do with the way you feel. The Latexpillo Mattress is so comfortable and relaxing, you are going to wonder how you ever waited so long to PAMPER YOURSELF! The Latexpillo Mattress cushions your body with ed with millions of Latexpillo Air Cells, making the one-third of your life you will use your mattress, more luxurious. Select a model for your personal use, and take a health break. Available Classic, Natural and Organic. PLEASE CALL FACTORY DIRECT: (800)551-2010.